Send short messages (SMS) with calendar bundle ============================================== To activate the sending of messages, you should run this command on a regularly basis (using, for instance, a cronjob): .. code-block:: bash bin/console chill:calendar:send-short-messages A transporter must be configured for the message to be effectively sent. Configure OVH Transporter ------------------------- Currently, this is the only one transporter available. For configuring this, simply add this config variable in your environment: ```env SHORT_MESSAGE_DSN=ovh://applicationKey:applicationSecret@endpoint?consumerKey=xxxx&sender=yyyy&service_name=zzzz ``` In order to generate the application key, secret, and consumerKey, refers to their `documentation `_. Before to be able to send your first sms, you must enable your account, grab some credits, and configure a sender. The service_name is an internal configuration generated by OVH.