Installation for development or testing purpose only

⚠️ Use this method for development only. ⚠️

You will need:

First initialization

  1. clone the repository and move to the cloned directory:
git clone
cd chill-bundles
  1. install dependencies using composer
composer install
  1. Install and compile assets:
yarn install
yarn run encore production

note double check that you have the node version > 20 using the node --version command.

  1. configure your project: create a .env.local file at the root, and add the admin password:
  1. start the stack using docker compose up -d, check the status of the start with docker compose ps

  2. configure all the needed third-party tools

    # the first start, it may last some seconds, you can check with docker compose ps
    # run migrations
    symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
    # setup messenger
    symfony console messenger:setup-transports
    # prepare some views
    symfony console chill:db:sync-views
    # generate jwt token, required for some api features (webdav access, ...)
    symfony console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair
  3. add some fixtures

This will truncate all the existing data of the database. But remember, we are in dev mode !

symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load
  1. launch symfony dev-server
symfony server:start -d

And visit the web page it suggest. You can login with user center a_social and password password, or login admin with the password you set.

Stopping the server

symfony server:stop

Restart the webserver for subsequent start

symfony server:start -d
# this will automatically starts the full docker compose services